Multicomponent dynamometers, maximum forces up to 30 kN, cover plate 600x400 mm / 9253B

These piezoelectric multicomponent dynamometers were designed to measure the three orthogonal components Fx, Fy and Fz of a force.
Main features / advantages
- Top plate: aluminum or steel
- Top plates available in smooth, with tapped holes or T-slots
- Easy mounting
- Stable and reliable
- Waterproof
The multicomponent force plates consist of four force measuring elements. Each element contains a preloaded force sensor. The force sensors contain quartz rings which are mounted between two steel plates in the housing of the sensor. Two quartz rings are sensitive to shear and measure the force components Fx and Fy, while a quartz ring sensitive to pressure measures the component Fz of a force acting in any direction on the force plate. The electrical charges proportional to the different components are led via electrodes to the connector contacts. The twelve outputs of the four force measuring elements are connected in the summing box so that the three force components Fx, Fy, Fz can be measured whereas the three moment components Mx, My, Mz can be calculated. The four sensors are mounted ground-isolated. Therefore ground loop problems are largely eliminated. The force plates are corrosion-resistant and protected against penetration of splash water and cooling agents. Together with a connecting cable Type 1687B5 or Type 1677A5 the force plates correspond to the degree of protection IP67. An apron protects both sensor and cable from mechanical damage.