Acceleration measurement units IMU and AMU, for crash test applications, with DTI / DTI IMU

These 6-axis (IMU) and triaxial (AMU) acceleration sensors are used to measure accelerations at one given position, e.g. a crash-test dummy.
Main features / advantages
- Systems for acceleration measurement in the three spatial dimensions
- 4-pole anti-aliasing filter, 4 kHz cut-off frequency
- Sampling rate: 20 kHz
- Sampling ADC with 16-bit resolution
Both IMU and AMU systems ared used for acceleration measurement in crash test applications. While a triaxial Acceleration Measurement Unit (AMU) measures linear accelerations in the three spatial dimensions, a six-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) additionally captures the angular rates in the three coordinate directions. Both measurement units can be mounted in crash test dummies, vehicles or other units under test. The integrated DTI (Digital Transducer Interface) functionality allows for easy sensor cabling and configuration as well as efficient digital data acquisition.