Evaluation instrument KiTorq Stator for all N1 (60 pulses) rotors, with PROFIBUS interface / 4542AN1B

Evaluation instrument KiTorq Stator for all N1 (60 pulses) rotors, with PROFIBUS interface
  • High-precision evaluation unit for KiTorq measuring system
  • Universal use with different rotors
  • Freely scalable voltage and frequency output
  • Cut-off frequency ≤1 kHz
On request
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Mechanical properties
Frequency range of vibrational loads in 3 directions
10 … 2000 Hz
Mechanical shock quantity
Mechanical shock acceleration
650 m/s2
Mechanical shock duration
3 ms
Duration of vibrational loads in 3 directions
2.5 h
Acceleration (amplitude) of vibrational loads in 3 directions
200 m/s2
Metrological characteristics
Linearity including hysteresis
Linearity represents the maximum deviation/error between ideal and actual output signal characteristics in relation to the measurand in a specific measuring range. It is expressed in percentage of the range of measurement signal (Full Scale Output).
0.01 %FSO
Relative standard deviation of repeatability
0.003 %FSO
Accuracy class strain gauge
Electrical properties
Electromagnetic field (AM)
10 V/m
Fast transients (burst)
1 kV
Impulse voltage (surge)
1 kV
Conducted emissions (AM)
10 V
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) air
4 kV
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) contact
8 kV
Influence quantities
Temperature influence zero point
0.01 %FSO/10K
Zero point stability (48 h)
0.003 %FSO
Temperature influence nominal value
0.01 %FSO/10K
Magnetic field
100 A/m
Dynamical properties
Limit frequency -3 dB
10 kHz
Group delay
<220 µs
Operation and installation
Operating temperature range
10 … 60 °C
Sensor design
Flange type
Angle / speed output
8192 pulses/revolution