Licenses for crash testing software CrashDesigner / KKT-CD
These software licenses provide access to the CrashDesigner software for administration and management of crash tests as well as test setup and data export.
Main features / advantages
- Master data administration
- Sensor management
- Measurement device and measurement channel administration
- Measurement location database
- Test template administration
- Crash test administration
- Test setup export (XML and other formats)
CrashDesigner is an easy-to-use software application for data acquisition purposes in crash testing. The CrashDesigner client software is separated into two parts: The first part covers functions such as data administration, sensor management, a database crash test administration and test setup export. The second part of the CrashDesigner client software is called CrashDesigner Lite. This part is a separate module in CrashDesigner that allows the execution of tests. It can also be used as a standalone application using XML files generated by CrashDesigner containing the definition of the complete test.