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60 min

Multicomponent force measurement from Kistler for space applications – practical aspects (Session 1)

We invite you to join our webinar to learn more about multicomponent force measurement for space applications with emphasis on practical aspects. 
As industry insiders, we focus on developing reliable and precise solutions for space applications. We put theory into practice as we work in partnership with renowned aerospace companies. In this online session, we will gladly share some of our accumulated hands-on experience with you to increase your awareness.

Application Engineer Bill Zwolinski will begin this webinar by exploring PE theory, followed by an overview of measuring chains. He will go on to consider practical aspects of force/moment measurement such as mounting, installation and checkout. You will also gain insights into Kistler specialties such as instrumentation for exported force and torque (EFT) measurement, force-limited vibration testing (FLVT)and thrust stand measurements. Then we will turn to you to ask questions to wrap up the webinar